第二十二章 倒装句

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第二十二章 倒装句

2024-07-15 03:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

# 第二十二章 倒装句



# 比较级的倒装


Girls like cats more than boys. (不清楚)


Girls like cats more than boys do. (女孩比男孩更喜欢猫。)

Girls like cats more than they like boys. (女孩比较喜欢猫,比较不喜欢男孩。)

比较级的句型通常会牵涉到两个从句互相比较。这两个从句间应有重复的部分才能比较。一旦有重复,就有省略的空间。但是如果省略不当,就会伤害句子的清楚性。就像上面的例 1,可以作例 2 和例 3 两种不同的解释。修辞学上称这种句子为 ambiguous(模棱两可)。如果要表达例 2 的意思,那么句尾的 do 就不能省略,否则读者有可能把它当作例 3 来理解。

如果把例 2 修改一下,成为:

Girls like cats more than boys, who as a rule are a cruel lot, do. (不佳)

这个句子在 boys 后面加上一个修饰它的关系从句。从刚才的分析中可了解到,句尾的 do 不能省略,否则读者无从判断 boys 是主语还是宾语——是喜欢猫的人,还是被喜欢的对象。

do 这个词既不能省略,把它留在句尾却又有修辞上的毛病。首先,do 这个助动词和它的主语 boys 之间,因为关系从句的阻隔,距离太远,会伤害句子的清楚性。另外,助动词 do 所代表的是前面从句中的 like cats,但同样也因为距离太远而不够清楚。

要解决这个修辞上的问题,有个方法——倒装句。将 do 挪到主语 boys 前面,成为:

Girls like cats more than do boys 倒装句, who as a rule are a cruel lot. (女孩比男孩更喜欢猫——男孩通常都很残酷。)

如此一来,助动词 do 和主语 boys 放在一起了,而且 do 和它所代表的 like cats 的距离也减到最小,解决了所有的修辞问题。比较级需要用到倒装句的情形大抵都是这样:

一、从属从句中的助动词或 be 动词不宜省略。


# 关系从句的倒装



The President is a man . (总统是一个人。)

A heavy responsibility, whether he likes it or not, falls on him . (不论他喜不喜欢,他负有重大的责任。)

例 2 中的 him 就是例 1 的 a man,由这个交叉建立起关系,可以制造一个关系从句:

The President is a man on whom 关系词 a heavy responsibility 关系从句主语, whether he likes it or not, falls 关系从句动词. (不佳)

介系词短语 on whom 因为内含关系词,要移到句首的位置。然而一经移动,就产生了修辞上的问题。

首先,on whom 这个介系词短语是当做副词使用,修饰动词 falls。但是移到句首之后,它与修饰的对象 falls 之间隔了颇长的距离,这就会伤害修辞的清楚性。另外,关系从句主语 a heavy responsibility 与它的动词 falls 之间也隔了一个插入的副词从句 whether…,主语动词间的距离过长又是一个不清楚性的来源。要解决这两个问题还是得靠倒装句,把动词移到主语前面:

The President is a man on whom falls a heavy responsibility 倒装句, whether he likes it or not. (总统负有重大责任,不论他喜不喜欢。)

如此一来,关系词 whom 与先行词 a man 在一起,介系词 on whom 与它修饰的对象 falls 在一起,而且动词 falls 又与它的主语 a heavy responsibility 在一起,一举解决了所有问题。这就是倒装句的妙用。


The President is a man who bears a lot of responsibility 关系从句.

这句话的意思和原来的句子差不多,不过它无法倒装。因为里面的关系从句原来是 He bears a lot of responsibility,主语 he 改成关系词 who,由于原本就在句首,没有移动位置,所以也就不能倒装。

# 假设语气的倒装

这种倒装比较单纯。在假设语气的副词从句中(往往是由 if 引导的),如果有 be 动词或助动词,就可以考虑倒装。做法是把连接词(例如 if)省略掉,把 be 动词或助动词移到主语前面来取代连接词的功能。例如:

If I had been there 副词从句, I could have done something to help. (如果当时我在场,就可以帮得上忙。)

为了加强简洁性,可以把连接词 if 省略掉,用倒装句来取代,成为:

Had I been there 倒装句, I could have done something to help.

但副词从句中若没有 be 动词或助动词,就缺乏可倒装的工具,因而不能使用倒装。

# 引用句的倒装


The police S said V, "None was killed in the accident." O(直接引句) (警方说:“这桩车祸无人死亡。”)


"None was killed in the accident." O said V the police S.

把读者最关心的引用句内文移到句首,可以达到强调语气的效果。因为宾语从句挪到句首,与它关系密切的动词 said 也可以移到主语前面,成为倒装句。不过在直接引句的情况下,主语、动词也可以选择不必倒装,像上面这个例子,句尾部分可以维持 the police said(S+V)的顺序不必倒过来。接下来看间接引句:

The WHO S warns V, that cholera is coming back O(间接引句) (世界卫生组织警告:霍乱已死灰复燃。)


Cholera, warns V the WHO S, is coming back.


# 类似 there is/are 的倒装

这种倒装句是把地方副词挪到句首,句型和 there is/are 的句型很接近,修辞功能在于强调语气,以及衔接上下文。例如:

There 地方副词 goes V the train S! (你看,火车开走了!)

这个句子以倒装句处理,可以强调动词 goes,表示“正在开走”。再如:

Here 地方副词 is V your ticket S for the opera! (你的歌剧票,拿去吧!)

除了 here,there 之外,其他的地方副词也可以倒装,例如:

In Loch Ness 地方副词 dwells V a mysterious monster S. (尼斯湖里住着一头神秘的水怪。)



To the west of Taiwan lies Southern China.

To the east spreads the expanse of the Pacific.


为了以空间顺序(spatial order)来组织上下文,这两个句子都用地方副词(To the west…,To the east…)开头,也都动用倒装句来达到这个目的。

# 否定副词开头的倒装

如果把表示否定意味的副词(not、never, hardly)挪到句首来强调语气,就得使用倒装句。例如:

We don't have such luck every day . (我们不是每天都能有这种运气。)

如果为了强调“不是每天”,而把 not every day 挪到句首,就要用倒装句。因为 not 和 every day 都是修饰动词的,而且 not 是用来作否定句的副词,和助动词 do 不能分开。一旦移到句首,助动词 do 也要往前移来配合否定句的需要,就成为倒装句:

Not every day do we have such luck.


I will not stop waiting for you until you are married . (除非你结婚,否则我会一直等你。)

同样的,如果把 not until you are married 移到句首来强调语气,就得把助动词 will 倒装到主语前面来配合否定句的要求:

Not until you are married will I stop waiting for you.

另外有一些副词,像 hardly,barely 等等,虽然不是一般否定句用的 not,不过功能与用法都类似,移到句首时也要倒装。例如:

I had hardly sat down to work when the phone rang. (我刚坐下来要做事,电话就响了。)

把 hardly 移到句首也是为了加强语气,这时就要倒装:

Hardly had I sat down to work when the phone rang.


Hardly anyone knew him. (几乎没有人认识他。)

这是因为 hardly 虽然在句首,不过它是用来修饰主语 anyone,句首是它正常的位置,没有经过调动,因而也不需要倒装。

同样的情形也见于 only 一字的变化。请看这个例子:

Only I saw him yesterday. (昨天只有我见到他。)

Only 原本就是修饰主语 I,放在它前面是正常位置,不需倒装。下面这个句子则不同:

I saw him only yesterday . (我见到他,不过是昨天的亊。)

如果把 only yesterday 调到句首来强调“不过是昨天而已”,意思是“不是更早以前的事”,也有否定的意味,所以可以视同表示否定的副词移到句首的变化,需要倒装:

Only yesterday did I see him.


Gradually they became close friends.

Only gradually did they become close friends.

例 1 中的副词 gradually 放在句首,是语法上许可的位置,而且没有否定意味,不必倒装。可是例 2 中的 only gradually 就带有强烈的否定意味,表示 not at once 或是 not very fast,这时就得动用倒装句型了。

not only 和 but also 配合时,如果选择倒装,变化比较复杂。请看这个例子:

He not only passed the exam but also scored at the top. (他不但及格了,还考了第一。)

句中的 but 是对等连接词。形成 not only…but also 的相关词组(correlative)时,严格要求连接的对称。上例中的 passed the exam 和 scored at the top 都是动词短语,符合对称的要求。

如果要把 not only 移到句首来强调语气,因为 not only 是有否定功能的副词,所以要用倒装句型。先直接倒装成为:

Not only did he pass the exam but also scored at the top. (误)

前半句用倒装句是对的,错在对等连接词 but 的左右不对等。 左边 he passed the exam 是从句,而右边的 scored at the top 却是动词短语。


Not only did he pass the exam but also he scored at the top. (不佳)

这样改过来,but 的左右都是从句,满足了语法的要求,不过还是有缺憾。因为 also 和 only 一样都是属于 focusing adverbs,是一种有强调功能的副词。许多学习者把 but also 连在一起来背,不知它有时也该拆开。在 but 右边的 also 不应用来强调 he,而应用来强调 scored at the top(而且还考第一),这样才能呼应左边 not only did he pass…(不仅考及格)的语气。所以最佳的作法是把 also 移到 scored 的前面:

Not only did he pass the exam but he also scored at the top.


# 结语


Mary is pretty. So is V her sister S. (玛丽很美,她妹妹也很美。)


Long live V the King S! (国王万岁!)



# Test # 请选出最适当的答案填入空格内,以使句子完整。 1. The students were warned that on no account __ to cheat. (A)  they were(B)  were they(C)  they should(D)  they can Show Answer 2. __ make up for lost time. (A)  Only by working hard we can(B)  By only working hard we can(C)  Only by working hard can we(D)  By only working hard can we Show Answer 3. Rarely __ such nonsense. (A)  I have heard(B)  have I heard(C)  I do hear(D)  don't I hear Show Answer 4. __ perched a large black bird. (A)  Often(B)  Suddenly(C)  On the wire(D)  It Show Answer 5. Only just now __ to him about the things to heed while riding a motorcycle. (A)  I talked(B)  was I talking(C)  talked I(D)  I was talked Show Answer 6. John was as confused about the rules __. (A)  as were the other contestants(B)  as the other contestants had(C)  than were the other contestants(D)  than the other contestants had Show Answer 7. An IBM PC 286 is as powerful __ on NASA's Voyager II. (A)  than the mainframe computer is(B)  than is the mainframe computer(C)  as the mainframe computer is powerful(D)  as is the mainframe computer Show Answer 8. The New Testament is a book __ the life and teachings of Jesus. (A)  which can be found(B)  in which can be found(C)  which can find(D)  in which can find Show Answer 9. Not until the doctor was sure everything was all right __ the emergency room. (A)  he left(B)  left he(C)  did he leave(D)  he did leave Show Answer 10. __, man could die out. (A)  World War III should ever break out(B)  If should World War III ever break out(C)  If World War III should have broken out(D)  Should World War III ever break out Show Answer 11. The results, __, the leading journal of science, indicate that the experimental procedure is flawed. (A)  says Nature(B)  Nature says(C)  which says Nature(D)  which Nature says Show Answer 12. Across the street from the station __. (A)  stood an old drugstore(B)  it stood an old drugstore(C)  where an old drugstore stood(D)  which stood an old drugstore Show Answer 13. I tried to call some friends but __. (A)  none could I reach(B)  could I reach none(C)  I could none reach(D)  I none could reach Show Answer 14. __ trouble you again. (A)  Never will I(B)  Not I will ever(C)  Will not ever I(D)  Never I will Show Answer 15. Not until you paint your first oil color __ the difference between theory and practice. (A)  you find out(B)  and find out(C)  finding out(D)  do you find out Show Answer 16. __ a baby deer is born, it struggles to stand on its own feet. (A)  No sooner(B)  As soon as(C)  So soon as(D)  Not sooner that Show Answer 17. __ the invention of the movable print, books were mostly copied by hand and cost far more than ordinary people could afford. (A)  After(B)  Until(C)  Not until(D)  Because of Show Answer 18. __ did I find out that he was dead. (A)  A moment ago(B)  Only a moment ago(C)  An only moment ago(D)  For a moment Show Answer 19. Henry James is __ is his philosopher brother William. (A)  famous and also(B)  as famous as(C)  famous so(D)  equally famous Show Answer 20. __ does the recluse venture out of his hermitage. (A)  Seldom(B)  Often(C)  Occasionally(D)  Sometimes Show Answer

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